How we began...

Columbus Bible Church began meeting on January 6th, 2008 under the direction and leadership of its lead elder, David Reid. David is a tentmaking preacher dedicated to preaching the word and doing the work of an evangelist (2 Timothy 4:2-5). He is the author of Are There Contradictions in the Bible: Questions & Answers on Dispensationalism, co-author of The Myth of Verbatim Identicality: How God Actually Preserved His Word, the founder of the MidActs Tracts gospel tract publishing ministry, a frequent Bible conference speaker, and the host of a popular internet-based Bible question and answer program.

David and his wife, Stephanie, have been actively involved in church-related ministry since before they were married. Buckeyes since birth, both have placed their faith in Christ's shed blood as payment for their sins. They are graduates of Grace School of the Bible and have resided in the Columbus area for more than fifteen years.

When work brought them to Columbus, they were in search of a church home for their young, growing family. Wanting to raise their children in a King James, Bible-believing, rightly dividing, grace church, and realizing the need for one in the capital of their home state, Columbus Bible Church was formed. Prior to planting Columbus Bible Church, David and Stephanie helped plant the MidActs Grace Fellowship (nka Miami Valley Bible Church) in Beavercreek, Ohio.

David continues to lead Columbus Bible Church today, where he and Stephanie are thankful for the opportunity to raise their children and serve the Lord together with like-minded fellow believers. It is their prayer that Columbus Bible Church will continue to make known the gospel message of salvation by grace through faith, as well as help others learn Bible truth from a distinctly Pauline, dispensational understanding of scripture.

"To the praise of the glory of his grace..." Ephesians 1:6