What to expect when you visit. . .                                        

When you visit CBC, you'll be greeted with joyful hearts and smiling faces, ready to welcome you and make you feel at home! Many of us come from diverse church backgrounds, rejoicing in finding freedom in Christ through salvation by grace - not by works or religious traditions - and through the study of God's word, rightly divided.  As a result, we are rooted in a deep appreciation for the transformative power of grace and a commitment to continued growth in our understanding and application of God's truth. We don't have formal membership requirements, so you're free to attend as often as you like—we'd be thrilled to see you regularly!

Our building is newly renovated, comfortable, and a welcoming space. While it may not resemble a mega-church or a traditional "church" building, it is a cherished, inviting space that we deeply appreciate and are immensely grateful for.
Meetings at CBC are orderly but not overly formal. We don't participate in religious ceremonies or rituals. Sunday gatherings typically begin with warm fellowship over coffee and donuts. At 10:30 AM, we transition into morning worship and study time with a contemporary spiritual song, followed by announcements and congregational hymn singing. Our pastor leads us in prayer and teaches directly from the Bible, guiding us to place our trust in God's word over the opinions of men. We believe the King James Bible is God's preserved word for English-speaking people, so we read and teach from it. Our studies are logical and easy to follow, ensuring that you'll be able to understand and keep up. We provide notepads, pens, and seating with tables for note-taking convenience.

Midweek meetings on Wednesdays are dedicated to Q&A sessions. We live-stream submitted questions for the first hour, followed by in-person discussions and fellowship once the stream concludes. Help yourself to snacks. . . and sometimes fresh baked cookies! We always have coffee and tea.

Gatherings at CBC are family-friendly and intergenerational. Currently, we do not offer separate children's programs, instead encouraging families to participate in singing and studying together. For school-age children, we provide complimentary activity bags to engage with during the service and take home afterward. Additionally, we offer a Bible memory program to aid in learning and memorizing scripture. We understand that attending church with young children can sometimes be challenging for families. To help with this, we have a designated room where children can engage in activities such as playing, coloring, or watching Bible-oriented videos, with parents nearby for supervision. If needed, we are more than happy to provide childcare for young children.

At our core, we are committed to centering our lives around the gospel, sharing the hope we have in Christ with a lost world, embracing God's grace, and anchoring ourselves in the truth of the Scriptures. We prioritize sacrificial service, intentional living, and faith-filled fellowship. Above all, we direct our hearts and love towards the Lord, His word, and each other. 

We are family . . .

and we'd love to welcome you!

"...follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart...be likeminded one toward another according to Christ Jesus: that ye may with one mind and one mouth glorify God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."
- 2 Timothy 2:22, Romans 15:5-6 -